Television: The Greatest Discovery Of Our Time

Television: The Greatest Discovery of our Time

In this age of technology, most homes will have at least one television that sits in the room and is often taken for granted. But in reality, today’s televisions are a testament to many years of development and feats of engineering that started way back in the 1800s.   Black and White Era Initially, television… Read More »

Review: Dark Souls PC Version

Dark Souls PC Version review

Dark Souls has finally made it to the PCs last month! Developed by the Namco Bandai group, the game was initially released for consoles. And on August 24th, the title finally made its way to the hands of PC gamers. The game that is known for its challenging missions and levels rolls out as the… Read More »

5 Most Common Types Of Crimes In The US

The 5 Most Common Types of Crimes in The US

Crime is a serious concern for many citizens and tourists, particularly in large cities. Due to the media and television shows related to criminal activity, most people assume that the most common types of crimes are violent acts. In reality, most criminals in the US are involved in petty crimes and non-violent criminal acts. Described… Read More »

The Best Ubisoft Games Of All Time

The Best Ubisoft Games of All Time

The video game industry is one of the fastest-growing industries considering the current clouded global economic climate. Delivering double-digit growth rates and more than anticipated financial metrics, the video gaming industry is en route to becoming the most sought media industry. The growth is fueled by the advent of advanced game development technologies and radical… Read More »