With the birth of the game console, the war between gaming platforms began. Desktop computers no longer held the monopoly in gaming, especially when the Sony Playstation arrived with more sophisticated graphics and control, rivaling that of the PC. Other brands followed suit with their own consoles such as the Microsoft Xbox and the Nintendo… Read More »
Top 5 Video Games We Wish Existed
Now and then, TV writers drop a fictional video game into their storyline, relishing the opportunity to create a game concept with very few boundaries (for instance, taste). There have been some great fictional video games in recent years, which make us hope that somewhere philanthropic programmers might be making real versions for our amusement…. Read More »
How To Build A Minecraft Server
If you’ve heard of the insanely popular computer game, Minecraft, then you are aware that it requires that you build your world and then play as if you are a first or a third person in the game who now is in this new and undeveloped environment. This is often seen as a much more… Read More »
Golden Gaming: Gaming Consoles Covered In Gold
The things wealthy people do with their disposable income are sometimes extremely hard to believe. Most of the time people with lots of money want to stand out from the crowd of other people with the help of their piles of cash. They are constantly striving to be different and unique. The most common method… Read More »
Can We Get Square Eyes From Gaming?
At some point in our youth, almost all of us will likely have heard our parents use the ‘square eyes’ story after five or six hours of quality Sonic the Hedgehog viewing. As we grew up having never met a classroom peer with quadrilateral optics, most of us started to get suspicious that perhaps we’d… Read More »
How Much Are Your Old Consoles Worth?
Age itself can carry significant value for products and items that would otherwise be obsolete in terms of money. While some people enjoy playing old game consoles from Atari, SNES, NES, Sega, and others, the games themselves can be simulated on computers and many handheld devices like smartphones. The real value is in the fact… Read More »