15 Pairs Of Co-Stars Who Hate Each Other

Pairs of Co-Stars Who Hate Each Other

A movie is as good as the chemistry between the actors. Several actors are known for taking their roles so emotionally that the viewers are convinced that the performers might be good friends or lovers in real life. However, looks can be deceiving as the following list gives us 15 pairs of co-stars who hate… Read More »

15 Most Tragic Deaths In Comic Books Ever

Most Tragic Deaths In Comic Books Ever

Comic books have been a vital part of cultural iconography for several decades. When radios and televisions were too expensive for leisure purposes, the low-priced comic books connected youth and adults alike. With larger-than-life characters coupled with dramatic storytelling, comic books are still a hot commodity in many companies. Despite being fiction, there have been… Read More »

15 Best Streaming Apps For Your Smartphone

15 Best Streaming Apps For Your Smartphone

With the rise of 4G technology, streaming shows, and music on your smartphone have never been easier. All you need to do is download the right apps to turn your smartphone into a true multimedia device. We today have compiled a list of 15 of the best streaming apps for your smartphone for both movies… Read More »

25 Largest Game Worlds Of All Time

Largest Game Worlds of All Time

With leaps and bounds in technology, it is no wonder that game worlds are getting bigger and bigger with each new video game that comes out. Gamers love open-world games because they can explore and play for hours while developers love them as they allow them to be as creative as the system can allow,… Read More »

15 Actors Who Portrayed Other Famous Actors

Actors Who Portrayed Other Famous Actors

The movie industry is certainly one of the most interesting ventures of entertainment. It has produced movies on historical figures, politicians, fictional characters, and even the pioneers of the industry itself. Playing a role is hard enough but portraying another famous actor is quite a handful and the following are 15 actors who portrayed other… Read More »

15 Sequels That Almost Got Made

Sequels That Almost Got Made

Not every sequel has lived up to the heights of the original film and that is why Hollywood has usually canceled plans for a follow-up movie despite announcing its production with great enthusiasm. While some further installments increase the allure of the franchise, others have failed miserably. The following are some of the sequels that… Read More »