15 Most Difficult Directors To Work With Ever

Most Difficult Directors to Work with Ever

If you ever had a terrible boss then dozens of Hollywood actors can feel the dilemma you have been through. Acting in a movie is not confined to just reading from a script. It is an emotional rollercoaster with an overdrive button waiting to be pushed if the filmmaker has the habit of pushing the… Read More »

15 Scariest Horror Movies On Netflix

Scariest Horror Movies on Netflix

Do you remember the time in your life when you had your parents check for monsters under the bed? When every little noise in the night, the creek of the windows, and the whistle of wind would have you lie there shaking under the duvet wishing for the morning. But at the same time, you… Read More »

15 Most Misleading Movie Posters Of All Time

Most Misleading Movie Posters

Since Hollywood’s dawn, movie posters have been a key element in movie promotional ventures. They are supposed to be an accurate representation of the contents of a particular movie. Still, on a few occasions, there have been blatant attempts to utilize them as tools to purposely deceive the audience. Here are the 15 most misleading… Read More »

15 Best R-Rated Comic Book Movies Of All Time

15 Best R-Rated Comic Book Movies of All Time

Who says movies based on comic books are just for kids? Despite being intended for a limited audience due to the “restricted” rating, it is amazing how crude elements such as strong language, violence, and drug usage are enough to make a movie stand out from the rest. Here are the 15 best R-rated comic… Read More »

15 Most Misleading Movie Trailers

15 Most Misleading Movie Trailers

Advertisements have often been criticized for misguiding customers and movie trailers are no exception. As a pre-requisite of a movie, the trailers offer a glimpse to the audience about the contents but occasionally tend to purposely misinform. Here are the 15 most misleading movie trailers:   15. The Grey (2011) Ever since he starred in… Read More »

15 Most Outrageous Movie Betrayals Of All Time

15 Most Outrageous Movie Betrayals

Betrayals in real life are quite common but in movies, it’s a big deal. A perfectly executed betrayal transpires after the audience has connected with a particular character or chemistry between the characters and then, that character ends up betraying the others. Sometimes, the twists can be predicted but an effective betrayal manages to catch… Read More »