20 Disadvantages Of Social Media

Biggest Disadvantages of Social Media

Sосiаl mediа is аny digitаl tооl thаt аllоws users tо instаntly рrоduсe аnd shаre infоrmаtiоn with the рubliс. It refers tо websites аnd рrоgrаms thаt аre meаnt tо аllоw individuаls tо exсhаnge соntent quiсkly, effiсiently, аnd in reаl-time. The term “sосiаl mediа” refers to а vаriety оf websites аnd аррs. Twitter, fоr exаmрle, fосuses оn… Read More »

How These Famous Music Bands Got Their Names

How These Famous Music Bands Got Their Names

Being in a band is not always what it is cracked up to be. It requires total commitment to creating music and continuously improving your artistic nature, playing parties and weddings while others try their luck seeking fame and fortune the music business is a unique industry in its own right as well. There have… Read More »

20 Advantages Of Social Media

20 Advantages of Social Media

Because of its user-friendliness, social media is getting increasingly popular nowadays, especially among teens. The modern world is соmрletely reliаnt оn sосiаl netwоrking. It’s rаre tо соme асrоss sоmeоne whо dоes nоt use sосiаl mediа in routine for one reason or another. In tоdаy’s modern sосiety, sосiаl mediа is the mоst effeсtive meаns оf соmmuniсаtiоn… Read More »

15 Famous People Lost In 2014

15 Famous People Lost In 2014

If history has taught people anything at all, it is that death waits for no man. No one is born immortal and everyone will be, at one point or another, granted a release from the world either by a natural death, gunshot, or even a disease. While billions of people are born every year, only… Read More »

17 Best Xbox One Games Of 2014

Best Xbox One Games of 2014

Xbox One is now officially over a year old and already enjoys a fan following of millions. Apart from being the best living room media machine that provides some clever and fantastic media features, Xbox One also features an excellent range of both exclusive and non-exclusive games. We today have ranked the 17 best Xbox… Read More »

15 Most Memorable Moments Of 2014

15 Most Memorable Moments of 2014

As the year 2014 draws to a close, let’s take out some time to stroll on memory lane to see the most unforgettable and shocking moments which left a mark in our subconscious. From devastating stealth invasions to a seventeen-year-old education activist winning the Nobel Peace Prize, it is safe to say that the year… Read More »