Movies With Best Portrayals Of Drug Addiction

Movies with Best Portrayals of Drug Addiction

Whether you are watching movies about drug addiction for a class assignment, to encourage yourself never to use again, to understand what a loved one may be going through, or because you are a treatment professional, some excellent films about drug addiction stand as a permanent reminder of the harrowing results of ongoing drug use… Read More »

4 Memorable Therapist Role Models From The Movies

Anthony Hopkins as Hannibal Lecter

The honest truth of the matter is that most therapists in the film are horrible. They bully their patients, jump to intuitive conclusions that only happen to be right because they serve the movie and in most cases, they are blatantly unethical. Even the memorable therapist role models from the movies listed below aren’t perfect,… Read More »

The Guns That Shot US Presidents

The Guns Which Shot US Presidents

Out of the five shootings that have occurred in American history, only one President survived; that was Ronald Reagan. The other four; Abraham Lincoln, James Garfield, William McKinley, and John F Kennedy; died. Now raise your hand if you’ve thought about the guns that shot US Presidents. We know that we haven’t other than the… Read More »