According to various “unconfirmed” online reports trending all around the globe, Paris Hilton is now a Muslim and has planned to change her name to ‘Tahirah’ which means ‘Pure, chaste’ in Arabic.
The reports are mentioning the statement of her spokesman, Ian Brinkham, who has reportedly revealed to CBS News:
“She has been toying with the idea for quite a while now and when she was imprisoned at Century Regional Detention Facility in 2007, she encountered a few people who had already converted.”
The reports further mention that by converting to the Muslim faith, Paris Hilton has decided to shun her old life as a celebrity skank and has said in a statement from an Islamic study retreat in Jeddah:
“I have now found total peace in my life. Before I used to be known as an STD-ridden streetwalker, a ‘hoe’ and a person of loose morals, but now, things have changed. Allah be praised. Forget Scientology or Kaballah. This is the religion to be in now. I’m not going to be wearing a piece of red string on my wrist or walk around like a robot talking to Xenu. Islam is the new must-have religion. and I’m going to spread the word of the Koran to everyone.”
It further mentions that Hilton plans to return to Los Angeles next week to start her Islamic school in July in the middle of Beverly Hills which will become a popular Hollywood spiritual haunt for many celebrities.
Back in 2007, in the days leading up to her imprisonment, Paris Hilton was observed to be in possession of several spiritual materials that might have been related to Islam if the rumors turn out to be true.
No big news agency right now has commented on the issue because of which verification of the news is difficult.
Although nothing related to the issue has been posted here:
her spokesman, Ian Brinkham, has revealed this to CBS news.
It's funny people claiming that particular religion can give them peace than other religions.
Let's be realistic people, whatever you are having in your life good or bad, it's come from your own attitude and behavior on how you choose to live your everyday life.
Dear paris hilton and all the other human beings, if u have converted into muslim, fine. if not, i urge you to find some time to study and learn about islam. the real way of life. don’t pay attention on what media has to say about islam or muslims. find the truth because this is for ur own sake. after we die every human being is to answer to all mighty GOD.
so think about it.