Grand Theft Auto V has been regarded as the pinnacle of the 7th generation video gaming consoles. Even though it brought with it many incredible features never before seen in the series, such as 3 different protagonists, a wide array of new gameplay situations, and different types of heists, we feel that even more awesomeness can be done in GTA 6. In fact, Rockstar themselves claimed to have 45 years of ideas left! Well, today we are going to give you the 19 things we want to see in GTA 6:
Natural Disasters
GTA V showed us just how great the city of Los Santos can be if we added a little snowfall and rainfall. Now imagine if a hurricane or blizzard struck the city. How cool would it be to hurry your player to a shelter to protect him from natural disasters such as floods, tornadoes, volcanoes, tsunamis, and even meteorites?
These types of natural disasters will help bring the world to life, especially if they are realistically timed. Perhaps missing the weather on the day will spell doom for your player, who just walked to the beach, only to be drowned in a tsunami. Only GTA can incorporate such goofy and fun moments, all the while keeping it realistic.
Now before any of you say anything, religion can be successfully incorporated into the GTA-type game. We already have numerous strip clubs, so why not have a few churches, mosques, or even temples?
There can be many gameplay aspects as well, such as going to it often will increase your luck or make you friendly with some NPCs. It can even be added to multiplayer, as a type of hub for people to meet and talk.
Alternate Careers
Since the GTA world is so huge, why not have proper careers for the characters? Players can sign up at a burger shop or an office and work thereby playing a mini-game and earning a little money.
It can even have a timely thing like it being mandatory for you to go work in your area at least 2 or 3 times a week. Anything to liven up your routine.
Playable Cop
Since GTA usually has you play as a bad guy, wouldn’t it be great for Rockstar to let us play as a policeman or a police girl for a change? Maybe it can be an undercover cop, so as to not deviate from the regular, criminal theme, but the character should have to have access to special police services and cannot commit too heinous of a crime openly.
This will help make things interesting as well as provide more moral choices in the game, such as by forcing the player to choose whether to bomb a building, but be seriously condoned by the police or refuse and blow your cover.
Huge Ships
Since GTA has the capability of having multiple vehicles, why not big ships like cruise ships or aircraft carriers? Maybe even exploration ships designed to explore the vast ocean.
This can expand on the open world concept and give us more things to see, like maybe whales or dolphins or other islands. After all, if Assassin’s Creed can do it, why not GTA VI?
Military Submarines
Staying in the same lieu as multiple vehicles, a good addition to huge ships can be military submarines. These can allow us to further explore the depths of the ocean and even use onboard torpedoes to destroy ships, bridges, and anything else we find around the sea.
Destructible Environment
Los Santos was a huge city, with many different buildings and skyscrapers, but if you crashed into one, there wouldn’t be a single scratch on them. This is highly annoying as it detaches us from the realism of the game. With Battlefield 4-inspired destructible skyscrapers, we can cause entire buildings to collapse to cause distractions or to crush enemies.
Besides, who doesn’t want to blow up skyscrapers anyway?
Woman Protagonist
Every game we’ve had so far has put us in the shoes of a male protagonist, so it would be nice to be able to play the game as a girl.
Not only will society be pleased with the portrayal of a strong, feminine personality, but we will also get to experience the game from a female’s point of view. It’s a win-win situation, Rockstar!
The one thing missing from GTA V was children. While Rockstar seemingly preferred to add dogs instead, we believe the series can be enhanced with the addition of children, who may be seen at the park, on a school bus, etc. Children will make a good impact on the gameplay and generate moral choices that are much harder.
GTA titles are always controversial even without children, so haters gonna hate them with children anyway!
Fashion Shows
We already have a few good things to do to pass the time in GTA V, but we need more. Much more. And fashion shows are a great activity.
These shows not only should be crowded but should also have celebs, supermodels, and the elite class. They should also showcase unique clothes that could encourage the players to buy them.
Huge Concerts
As mentioned previously, we need more activities, and having a big concert now and then in Los Santos can be a great thing.
Apart from the fact that many players would like to blow the concert stage with a C4, Rockstar can also use concerts to let players commit crimes easily while the police are distracted by concert management.
Historical Events
Wouldn’t it be great to play the game while some great, big historical event is happening in front of your eyes, like the 9/11 attacks, some presidential assassination, or the Gulf War where you have to help save the day somehow? Who knows?
Maybe Rockstar can even let you be the ringmaster of all these diabolical world schemes. There is a lot of potential for this.
Real-Life Military Grade Weapon Systems
These days, some of the best weapons in the world are integrated into vehicles, so why not give us these vehicles in the game?
Laser-guided hellfire missiles in helicopters and cluster bombs in fighter jets can help spice things up, especially if you were to bring one to a campaign mission.
Military Parades
Another interesting event could be military parades now and then. They can be used to showcase new types of weapons and military vehicles. Since this is a GTA game, we can even try to steal some of the great items.
But, if we dared to steal one, the entire military platoon could come chasing after us. Classic GTA fun.
Wire Guided Anti-Tank and Surface to Air Missiles
Keeping with the weapons theme, why not wire-guided missiles that can blow up enemy tanks? This can balance the game out so that the side that has the tank isn’t the ruling faction. Besides, it would be immense fun to blow up a building with such great firepower.
Now on top of that imagine some FIM-92 Stinger-like MANPAD that a player can use to bring down a high-flying passenger or military jet!
Special Agents
These guys should be incorporated to raise the adrenaline level much further. If a player gets into their wanted list, they would hunt you around until their last breath and would possess state-of-the-art weapons and vehicles present in the game (which in turn would tempt players to ambush them for getting top-of-the-line weapons or their special rides like jetpacks).
More Animals, at Least 500 Types!
Sure animals were introduced in GTA V, so all that is left is to expand on them and give us as many types as possible.
This will allow for emersion and Rockstar can even make it so by rewarding players if they kill one of each type. A city zoo would also be great!
In the past decade, real-world drone activity has significantly gone up, and it is about time they are added to video games as well. There can be so many uses for these drones, from scouting ahead for the players, racing, and swarming, to killing long-distance foes.
They can even be sent by the police as a faster and easier method of killing players. The possibilities are numerous. Drones have been used extensively in the Watch Dogs series.
More Possible Criminal Activities
This aspect alone can create more replayability than any GTA game before it. Sure we can pull off heists and do dirty business already, but imagine being able to do so many of the other crimes you have heard of. Kidnapping people, torturing them for money, hijacking planes and trains filled with people, robbing museums, breaking into prisons to free friends, smuggling animals, catching rare birds, spying on military parades, etc!
The possibilities are quite endless! Besides, if there is any series that can pull off even more criminally insane activity, it is the Grand Theft Auto series.
This sums up the 19 things we want to see in GTA 6. What things would you like Rockstar to add in GTA VI? Share with us a few crazy ideas in the comments section below!
Nartual Disaster is cool. Also some WWII references, Urban legends that does not really exists will be cool.
And yes it will be great if GTA VI set on 90’s.. f#@^ internet.
especially the destructive buildings….what..walk around a pile of ruins? or does it just respawn…
I wouldn’t mind being able to break windows in the towers tho, would make for amazing stunts!
Los Vegas and gambling.
4 characters 3 are already made up the 4 you make (male or female)
I dont like the idea of gas. Its dumb. I dont want to think about regular fill ups when im running out the cops.
First i would take the Protagonist: I want instead of 1 or 3 and then to 10 heroes. Why 10? I thought those 10 Protagonist would work as a crew.
I want the gta world will be in the whole world also the space.
i think there should also be option to take girls from strip club on rides or to spend time with them as long as you can afford:D
I agree, kids, 9/11, religious places, and even destroying buildings are horrible ideas. they would cause too much hype (of the bad kind), stress of ultra-realism, and too much of Rockstar’s money to build something of these proportions. Recreating tragic events and possibility for players to blow up churches and mosques are idiotic and numbing to the psyche. Other factors here might be fun or added shock value, but there’s so much going on with GTA they might be unable to fulfill them.
It doesn’t sound like you want gta to be gta.
Also, kids, religion and 9/11 are all just terrible ideas that would do nothing good but make people cringe.
A long time ago they already said there not gonna put kids in it I’m pretty sure people wouldn’t like the idea of kids getting shot and kids shooting guns in a game
It must have been before the release of Kick Ass (movie) !
@Malcolm Yeah who care about kids? Which game has kids (Bully, Yeah but its different thing).
As a girl, nah. Why not just start a new series, GTA is a masculine non religious, crime simulator? Adding some of these things take away from the core
So you think it would be great to relive 9/11? What a pathetic idea!
Thank you. Thats the worst thing I have ever heard. You know how offensive that would be to the victims families and survivors. As much as I love GTA. If this actually happens I wont buy GTA 6 out of respect.