Mother Nature always amazes mankind with its unpredictability. Sometimes one of the most fascinating things in the world around us is a natural phenomenon. A natural phenomenon is a non-artificial event in the physical sense, which is not produced by humans, though it may affect humans sometimes. We have compiled a list of the 10 most amazing natural phenomena that you should know about:
Fire Rainbow
The atmospheric phenomenon known as a “Fire Rainbow” appears when the sun is high in the sky and its light passes through diaphanous, high-altitude cirrus clouds made up of hexagonal plate crystals.
Aurora Borealis
An aurora is a natural light display in the sky, particularly in the high latitude regions. This is caused by the collision of energetically charged particles with atoms in the high-altitude atmosphere. It is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful events to occur in our world.
“The Hum” is the name of a series of phenomena involving a persistent and invasive low-frequency humming noise that is not audible to all people. Hums have been reported in various geographical locations and in some cases, a source has been located.
They have been reported all over the world, especially in Europe: a Hum on the Big Island of Hawaii, typically related to volcanic action, is heard in locations dozens of miles apart.
Ice Circles
Ice Circles are formed when surface ice gathers in the center of a body of water rather than at the edges. It’s a rare and interesting phenomenon usually seen in cold climate areas.
A slowly moving river current can create a slow-turning eddy, which rotates, forming an ice disc. These ice circles have been seen with diameters up to 500 feet.
Fire Whirls
A fire whirl, also known as fire devil or fire tornado is a rare and amazing phenomenon in which a fire, under certain conditions acquires vertical vortices and forms a whirl of a vertical orientation rotating column of air.
Depending on air temperature and currents these fire whirls can take up a tornado-like effect. Their height can range as high as 30 to 200 ft tall.
Sailing Stones
Rocks with weights up to hundreds of pounds have been known to move up to hundreds of yards at a time. This mysterious phenomenon of moving stones in the packed-mud desert of Death Valley has been a center of scientific controversy for decades.
Scientists have proposed the reason behind this strange phenomenon to be the combination of strong winds and surface ice. But the different paces and direction of Rocks, starting at the same point develops a controversy.
Red Tides
Red tide, also known as an algal bloom, is a natural event in which estuarine, marine or freshwater algae accumulate rapidly in the water column and can convert entire areas of an ocean or beach into a blood-red color.
This phenomenon is caused by high levels of phytoplankton accumulating to form dense, visible clouds near the surface of the water.
Mammatus Clouds
Mammatus Clouds also called mammatocumulus, meaning “bumpy clouds”, are a cellular pattern of pouches hanging underneath the base of a cloud, composed primarily of ice. While Mammatus Clouds can extend for hundreds of miles in each direction, the individual formations however can remain visibly static for ten to fifteen minutes at a time only. Mammatus clouds are often harbingers of a coming storm or another extreme weather system.
Lunar Corona Formation
A Lunar Corona formation is an amazing phenomenon, it is formed through a mix of thin clouds and small droplets in the air. The small droplets scatter the light rays from the moon creating this sort of multicolored moon halo.
Interestingly the size of these small droplets defines the size of the corona that forms, with the smaller droplets forming the larger radii.
A Moonbow is a rainbow produced by light reflected off the surface of the moon rather than from direct sunlight. Moonbows are extremely rare, and can only be seen at night when the moon is low and either full or almost full.
We hope you enjoyed our compilation of the most amazing natural phenomena around the world. If you know of any other weird phenomenon then do share it with all of us in the comments section below!