How Facebook And Twitter Can Benefit Students

POSTED BY Heather Johnson, UPDATED ON April 2nd, 2023
How Facebook and Twitter Can Benefit Students

Twitter and Facebook are important social networks. Today, everything is about social media so you don’t want to stay behind. They have made their way in many different fields, but in the field of education, for instance, they are just starting. Here’s how Facebook and Twitter can benefit students:

The recent trend of using Twitter at university ensures that this will continue to evolve becoming an increasingly powerful tool. Be sure not to stay behind, especially when it comes to applying some of the options provided by social networks at school. Everything is changing and the online social media world appears to be an extremely important aspect of our everyday life. There are many ways to take advantage during class. Get ready to become a pro, this will ensure your way to the top.

In the case of Twitter, here are a few ways to do it:


Direct Tweet

Students and teachers can use direct contact. Tweet without sharing your mobile phone.


Meet Your Classmates

Twitter groups provide teachers and students with learning more about one another. It’s true, especially during a seminar or some other close setting.


Mutually Work on Projects

When collaborating, and working together on a mutual project, you create a group by the means of some particular application in order to enhance communication between project members.



Teachers can send reminders about future tests to be performed, dates of projects, or any story deems appropriate to share via Twitter.


Brainstorm or “Brainstorming”

The sharing of ideas at any time from any location establishes a wonderful opportunity to exchange ideas on issues of class.

Facebook is trendy but Facebook is not like Twitter. However, there are many benefits brought along. During class, you can increase your chances of acquiring skills and so on. You can:


Make Surveys

Ask students about their opinion, or get feedback on future projects or issues using an application.


Share Great Sources

Both the teacher and the student can put websites of interest that can be useful for the class. Currently, the same thing is done via various online services (Yahoo! Groups or Google Docs, etc) but with Facebook, things can be really easy.


For Learning

The student uses Facebook three or four times a day while in class, so the use of Facebook in class means you have the opportunity to learn daily.

Students can also network with each other and can ask their friends for help such as asking their classmates for online essay writing or research paper help. Facebook can help students work smartly.


Environmental Awareness

Facebook is great in terms of environmental awareness and the facilities there to meet those who are more significant.


Tools to Promote Education

Moreover, educators who integrate technology can see that Facebook and Twitter are an alternative to promote education. Creating study groups or encouraging students to create a group with special messages for example Care for the Planet, Save the Planet, Protect the Environment, etc, can help the students to polish their critical thinking skills literacy, and digital skills that will help them in other aspects of their life.

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